Mixture toxicity of Cadmium and Manganese to the larvae of Chironomus tentans

  • Joseph Thatheyus PG & Research Department of Zoology The American College, Madurai-625002,
Keywords: Mixture toxicity, heavy metals, cadmium, manganese, Chironomus tentans


Acute toxicity of cadmium and manganese ions was determined using static bioassay after 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours of exposure separately. Based on the 96 hour LC50 values, acute toxicity of two metal combinations was determined keeping 1/10th of 96hr LC50 concentration of one metal constant and varying concentrations of another metal. Among the individual metals tested, cadmium is more toxic than manganese. Among the two metal combinations (Mn)+Cd was the most toxic than (Cd)+Mn metal mixture.


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Author Biography

Joseph Thatheyus, PG & Research Department of Zoology The American College, Madurai-625002,
Assistant Professor,  Zoology Department


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