Analysis of components in antimicrobial effective plant extract of Pongamia pinnata by Infra-Red Spectroscopy

  • Jaya Vikas Kurhekar Head and Associate Professor, BharatiVidyapeeth’s, Dr.PatangraoKadamMahavidyalaya, Sangli – 416416, Maharashtra State
Keywords: Pathogenic micro-organisms, antimicrobial effective, hin Layer Chromatography, inherent ingredients, Infra-Red spectroscopy, anti-microbial activity


Plants have been used since olden times, to cure human beings of ailments caused by pathogenic micro-organisms. Pongamiapinnata seed extract was found antimicrobially effective against many of the tested pathogenic isolates. It was separated into two components by Thin Layer Chromatography. The aqueous seed extract and the two isolated components were analysed for their inherent ingredients by Infra-Red Spectroscopy. The active chemical groups were interpreted with the help of standard references. They could be responsible for the anti-microbial activity.


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How to Cite
Kurhekar, J. (2016). Analysis of components in antimicrobial effective plant extract of Pongamia pinnata by Infra-Red Spectroscopy. Bulletin of Advanced Scientific Research, 2(3), 09-12. Retrieved from
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