The study of pavements in transportation engineering with special reference to N.H.- 1

  • Arvind Dewangan Associate Professor, Civil Engineering Department, HCTM Technical Campus ,Ambala road Kaithal 136027 Haryana
  • D. P. Gupta Director- Haryana College of Technology & Management ,Kaithal- HCTM Technical campus -136027(Haryana)
Keywords: Soil Engineering, Soil Mechanics, Flexible Pavement, Geo-technical, Load


Rigid pavements are those which posses note worthy flexural strength or flexural rigidity. The stresses are not transferred from grain to grain to the lower layers as in the ease of flexible pavements layers the rigid pavements are made of Portland cement concrete-either plain, reinforced or prestressed concrete. The plain cement concrete slabs are expected to take up about 40 kg/cm2 flexural stress. As the rigid pavements slab has tensile strength, tensile stresses are developed due to the bending of the slab under wheel load and temperature variations thus the type of stress develop and their distribution within the cement concrete slab are quit different. The rigid pavement does not get deformed to the shape of the lower surface as it can bridge the minor variation of lower layer.


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How to Cite
Dewangan, A., & Gupta, D. (2015). The study of pavements in transportation engineering with special reference to N.H.- 1. Bulletin of Advanced Scientific Research, 1(4), 116-119. Retrieved from
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