Aural Myiasis in Patient with Intact Tympanic Membrane

  • Vural Fidan Yunus Emre Gov Hospital Ear Nose and Throat Dept 26100 Eskisehir
Keywords: myiasis, child, intact membrane, Cochliamyia hominivorax, larvae


Myiasis is a disease caused by larvae. Aural myiasis occurs frequently in chronic otitis media but rarely found in patients with intact tynpanic membrane. In this report, aural myiasis in a child with intact tympanic membrane, is reported.


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How to Cite
Fidan V. Aural Myiasis in Patient with Intact Tympanic Membrane. AMS [Internet]. 28Feb.2015 [cited 22Jan.2025];2(2):57-8. Available from:
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