Assessment of diarrheal diseases among children under the age of five and its impacts in health sciences

  • Nancy Odero School of Health Sciences, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology, P. O. Box 210-40601, Bondo
  • Mollen Akinyi Odero School of Health Sciences, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology, P. O. Box 210-40601, Bondo
  • N. B. Okelo School of Mathematics and Actuarial Science, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology, P. O. Box 210-40601, Bondo
Keywords: Diarrhea, Causes, Treatment and Control


Diarrheal disease is a leading cause of child mortality and mobility in the world and mostly results from contaminated food and water sources. From WHO, 780 Million individuals worldwide lack access to improved drinking water and 2.5 million lack improved sanitation. Diarrhea due to infection is widespread throughout developing countries. In developing countries, children under 3 years old experience an average three episodes of diarrhea every year. Each episode deprives the child of the nutrition necessary for growth hence as a result; diarrhea is a major case of malnutrition. This study therefore intended to determine the causes, control measures and management of diarrheal diseases in North Kamagak Location, Rachuonyo South Sub-County, Kenya. The objectives of the study were to: determine the causes of diarrheal diseases among the under five in the location; find out intervention strategies during diarrheal diseases outbreak among the residents; establish treatment options for diarrhea among the under fives; and identify home management practices of under fives diarrhea in the rural communities. The population of the study involved all under five children in North Kamagak location. Descriptive research design has been used. Stratified random sampling has been used to select 20 households from each of the three sub-locations in the location. Purposive sampling has been used to select 2 children from each selected household. Collected data has been analyzed using descriptive statistics and results presented in terms of tables, charts and graphs. The results obtained from this study show that using dirty water and not washing hands are the major causes of diarrhea. Results are useful to the ministry of health and the public in general in prevention and management of diarrheal diseases.


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WHO. World health report 2004; changing history. Geneva; world health organization , 2004.

J. D.Snyder and M. H. Merson, The magnitude of the global problem of acute diarrheal diseases ; a review of active surveillance data. Bull world health organ. Vol. 60 (1982); p.604-613.

C. Bern, J. Martines and R. I. Glass, The magnitude of the global problem of diarrheal diseases; a ten year update. Bull World health organ, Vol. 70 (1992), p.705 -714.

How to Cite
Odero N, Odero M, Okelo N. Assessment of diarrheal diseases among children under the age of five and its impacts in health sciences. AMS [Internet]. 21May2015 [cited 23Feb.2025];2(1):21-3. Available from:
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