A short review of use of nanotechnology in periodontics

  • Kavita Ganiger Senior Lecturer, Dept of Periodontics College of Dental Sciences & Hospital, Amargadh, Bhavnagar Dist, Gujarat
  • Kartikay Sexena Reader, Dept of Oral Pathology & Microbiology College of Dental Sciences & Hospital, Amargadh, Bhavnagar Dist, Gujarat
  • V. Lalitha Srivalli Senior Lecturer, Dept of Oral Medicine & Radiology College of Dental Sciences & Hospital Amargadh, Bhavnagar Dist. Gujarat.
  • A. Sudheer Reader,Dept of Prosthodontics College of Dental Sciences & Hospital Amargadh, Bhavnagar Dist. Gujarat.
Keywords: Nanomaterials, Nanodentistry, periodontics


Nanoscience or nanotechnology refers to the development and research of an applied science at the atomic or molecular level. Nanotechnology is developing fast in recent years and like other medical fields it is also set to transform dentistry in a huge way. It is now considered as a multidisciplinary field of scientific research. Different types of nanomaterials, nanoparticles, nanodivices and its applications are of human interest. Nanodentistry can make maintenance of oral health by employing the nanodivices which will allow precise control on various techniques in oral care like oral analgesia, dentine replacement therapy, permanent hypersensitivity cure, periodontal cure and complete orthodontic realignment etc. Nanotechnology and its application in periodontics have improved the diagnosis, treatment, prognosis and prevention of the periodontal diseases. It utilizes nanomaterials, nanobiotechnology and nanorobots for the treatment and maintenance of periodontal health. The purpose of this paper is to review the phenomenon of nonotechnology as applied to periodontics.


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How to Cite
Ganiger K, Sexena K, Srivalli VL, Sudheer A. A short review of use of nanotechnology in periodontics. AMS [Internet]. 11Oct.2015 [cited 23Feb.2025];2(7):100-1. Available from: http://asdpub.com/index.php/ams/article/view/233
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