Broad Ligament Fibroid - An Unusual Presentation

  • Hrishikesh madanlal mandhane PDVVPF'S medical college
Keywords: Keywords, Fibroid, broad ligament fibroid



Giant fibroids are known to arise from the uterus, but occasionally from the broad ligament also. This is a case report of a giant broad ligament fibroid, reported for its rarity , and the diagnostic difficulties.


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Author Biography

Hrishikesh madanlal mandhane, PDVVPF'S medical college
Resident Obstetrics and gynecology


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How to Cite
mandhane H. Broad Ligament Fibroid - An Unusual Presentation. AMS [Internet]. 30Mar.2015 [cited 23Feb.2025];2(3):75-6. Available from:
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