Breast cancer screening with breast self examination

  • Vishal Mago Associate Professor Department of Plastic Surgery
  • Neetu Kochhar Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, BPS Govt Medical College for Women, Khanpur Kalan, Sonepat, Haryana
Keywords: breast cancer screening


Background: The nurse care in breast cancer care focus is not only on the medical aspect but also on the emotional aspect of care. Strategies to help detect and prevent breast cancer include regular screening for all women and lifestyle changes.
Purpose: This study was done to screen the women population of Khanpur kalan and surrounding villages of Haryana for breast cancer by implementing a screening programme among clinicians, nurses and paramedical workers.
Methods: Demographic and clinical data of breast cancer patients including mammography screening was tabulated in a proforma for evaluation. Breast self examination was taught with the help of nursing personnel.
Results: Breast-related complaints and/or benign/malignant breast, including fibroadenosis, adenocarcinoma, axillary lump, galactorrhoea, fibrocystic disease and mastitis were diagnosed in a sample survey of participants.
Conclusion: Breast screening in normal and/or asymptomatic women with significant clinical manifestations of disease is thus essential to reduce the burden of breast cancer. Nurses will be more successful in assisting women to obtain timely breast cancer screening and treatment when they better understand culturally appropriate education materials on breast cancer.


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Author Biography

Vishal Mago, Associate Professor Department of Plastic Surgery

Associate professor and Head

Department of Plastic Surgery



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How to Cite
Mago V, Kochhar N. Breast cancer screening with breast self examination. AMS [Internet]. 30Jun.2015 [cited 22Jan.2025];2(6):89-0. Available from:
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