Surgeon’s perspective on rare yet potentially fatal complication of GI perforation following endoscopy

  • Shekhar Gogna Assistant Professor General Surgery. PGIMS Rohtak, Haryana- 124001
  • Prateek Thakur Resident Dept. General Surgery PGIMS Rohtak, Haryana
  • Priya Goyal Resident Dept. General Surgery PGIMS Rohtak, Haryana
Keywords: Endoscopy, perforation, UGIE


Gastrointestinal endoscopy plays an essential role in the diagnosis, staging, and treatment of pathologies of the GI tract. New-generation endoscopes, advanced imaging technologies, the introduction of new therapeutic devices into clinical practice, and modification of old techniques have expanded both the diagnostic and therapeutic armamentarium of the endoscopist. complications are rare with a rate of less than 1 per 5000 cases. perforations are either due to therapeutic dilatation,  coagulation or passage of side viewing instrument  into the duodenum. Here we present a case of 56 yr old male who underwent diagnostic endoscopy for peptic ulcer. I t lead to endoscope induced large duodenal perforation of about 10 cms in its long axis recognized at laparotomy 10 days after the is important to mention the perforation was repaired surgically and patient developed no post operative complications. Undesired complications though rare, are potentially fatal and risks need to be evaluated before performing all endoscopic procedures


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How to Cite
Gogna S, Thakur P, Goyal P. Surgeon’s perspective on rare yet potentially fatal complication of GI perforation following endoscopy. AMS [Internet]. 28Feb.2015 [cited 23Feb.2025];2(2):59-0. Available from:
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