On reflexivity, denseness and compactness of numerical radius attainable operators

  • Sabasi Omaoro Department of mathematics, Kisii University, Box 408-40200, Kisii
  • J. Kerongo Department of mathematics, Kisii University, Box 408-40200, Kisii
  • R. K. Obogi Department of mathematics, Kisii University, Box 408-40200, Kisii
  • N. B. Okelo Department of Pure and Applied mathematics, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga of Science and Technology, Box 210-40601, Bondo
Keywords: Reflexivity, Compactness, Denseness, Numerical radius attainability, Normal operators and Self-adjoint operators


In this paper, we study the properties of normal self-adjoint operators. We concentrate on some of their properties, for example, reflexivity, denseness and compactness. We also give some results on norm-attainability.


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How to Cite
Omaoro, S., Kerongo, J., Obogi, R., & Okelo, N. (2015). On reflexivity, denseness and compactness of numerical radius attainable operators. Bulletin of Advanced Scientific Research, 1(1), 10-11. Retrieved from https://asdpub.com/index.php/basr/article/view/89
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