Assessment of Pollution load of Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Lagos Lagoon, Nigeria

  • Adogame L. Sustainable Research and Action for Environmental Development (SRADev)
  • T I Aneni Sustainable Environment Development Initiative (SEDI
  • Chikwendu C. Friends of the Environment (FOTE)
  • Ahaneku C. Nigerian Environmental Study/Action Team (NEST)
Keywords: Persistent Organic Pollutants, Lagos Lagoon, Water, Eggs, Sediment, Fish, Soil


Eighteen Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) residue were measured in water, sediment, fish, soil and egg samples. These samples were collected from selected areas (Ilaje, Oko Oba, Iddo and Apapa) based on their proximity to anthropogenic activities that could result in the deposition of these pollutants in the lagoon. The analysis was done using gas chromatograph with pulsed flame photometric detector. The results show that total POPs concentration for all the sampling stations ranged from 2.12 - 5.66µg/L (water), 8.55 - 15.31µg/kg (sediment), 3.83 - 10.96µg/kg (fish), 1500.84 - 2495.73µg/kg (soil) and 3.92 - 9.56µg/kg (egg). The highest concentrations of individual OCPs were 4.53µg/kg (Endosulfan)(Apapa-water), 6.28µg/L (Endrin)(Ilaje-sediment), 5.83µg/kg (Endosulfan)(Ilaje-fish), 1710.06µg/kg (Endosulfan)(Apapa-soil), 4.42µg/kg (Endosulfan)(Ilaje-egg). The concentration of total POPs at the different sampling stations increased in this order; 2.12µg/L (Iddo), 3.88µg/L (Oko Oba), 3.96µg/L (Ilaje) and 5.66µg/L (Apapa) for water samples; 8.55µg/kg (Apapa), 8.94µg/kg (Iddo), 14.6µg/kg (Oko-Oba) and 15.31µg/kg (Ilaje). Sediment sample values were 3.83µg/kg (Iddo), 5.29µg/kg (Apapa) and 10.96µg/kg (Ilaje) and 9.58µg/kg (Oko Oba). Fish sample values were 1500.84µg/kg (Iddo), 1592.31µg/kg (Oko Oba), 1783.72µg/kg (Apapa) and 2495.75µg/kg (Ilaje). Soil sample values were 3.92µg/kg (Apapa), 4.12µg/kg (Iddo), 7.81µg/kg (Oko Oba) and 9.56µg/kg (Iddo). The concentration of total POPs in the various media increased in this order; 3.91µg/L (water), 6.36µg/kg (egg), 7.41µg/kg (fish), 11.85µg/kg (sediment) and 1843.16µg/kg (soil). This study indicates that water, sediment, fish, soil and egg samples collected from the Lagos Lagoon are contaminated with varying amounts of persistent organic pollutants, and need for enforcement of relevant legislation against polluters.


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How to Cite
L., A., Aneni, T., C., C., & C., A. (2015). Assessment of Pollution load of Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Lagos Lagoon, Nigeria. Bulletin of Advanced Scientific Research, 1(1), 18-25. Retrieved from
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