Role of Peritoneal Fluid Cytology in Gynaecological Cancers

  • Tanushri Mukherjee Department of Oncopathology, Command Hospital Kolkata,


Intraperitoneal dissemination of disease is an important cause of morbidity and mortality among women with genital tract cancers.Peritoneal Fluid cytology is indispensable for diagnosis, prognosis,staging and ancillary studies in gynaecological Cancers.  Peritoneal fluid was examined for the presence of tumor cells in 94 patients with ovarian and  endometrial cancer. The findings were correlated with the type, grade, and stage of the tumor. Fluids that were positive for malignant cells were associated with serous and endometrioidcarcinomas  of ovary more often than with carcinomas of other types. Patients with high-stage tumors of all types had positive fluids more often than those with low-stage tumors. The presence of tumor cells in the fluid indicated a worse prognosis at 2 years. Analysis of other factors that influence prognosis, however, revealed that this difference was related more specifically to the stage of the disease. Since the presence of tumor cells in abdominal fluid is a factor in the subclassification of Stage I and Stage II ovarian cancer, analysis of a larger group of patients with tumors in these stages is needed to establish the prognostic significance of positive cytological findings independent of other prognostic factors.


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How to Cite
Mukherjee T. Role of Peritoneal Fluid Cytology in Gynaecological Cancers. AMS [Internet]. 30Mar.2015 [cited 7Mar.2025];2(3):63-4. Available from:
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