Serum total Calcium to Magnesium ratio is higher in Sickle cell disease patients with proteinuria than without proteinuria

  • Abiodun Mathias Emokpae Department of Medical Laboratory Science, School of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Benin, Benin City.
  • Babatunde Ishola Gabriel Adejumo Department of Medical Laboratory Science, School of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Benin, Benin City.
Keywords: Serum calcium, magnesium, proteinuria, sickle cell disease


 Intracellular imbalance in the levels of calcium to magnesium ratio could lead to clinical complications in Sickle cell disease patients (SCD). Proteinuria is common in SCD patients especially with increasing age and may affect the intracellular level of calcium to magnesium ratio. This study evaluates the total calcium to magnesium ratio in SCD patients with proteinuria and compared to those without proteinuria. Serum total calcium and magnesium were determined using colorimetric method, while urine protein was assayed using urinalysis dipstick and sulphosalicylic turbidometric method. Out of the 100 SCD patients, urine protein was detected and assayed in 27 while 73 were negative for urinary protein. Total calcium to magnesium ratio and urine protein were significantly higher (p<0.001), while magnesium (p<0.001) and calcium (p<0.01) were significantly lower in SCD patients with proteinuria compared to those without proteinuria. Total calcium to magnesium ratio correlated positively (r=0.38;p<0.05) with proteinuria in SCD patients. Total calcium to magnesium ratio is higher in SCD patients with proteinuria than without proteinuria. Routine calculation of this ratio could be helpful in assessing the intracellular balance of calcium and magnesium in the management of SCD patients.


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