Business Strategies Influences in global Business for sustainable growth in Economic development

  • D Mathivanan Maldivies National University-Maldivies
  • Binu Samuel Maldivies National University
Keywords: Business competition, Mergers & Takeover, Business growth, globalization


Communications and transportation technologies constantly change the world. The ease of interactions and transactions they afford has given rise to global business. However, just because being a global business is more possible doesn't necessarily make it easy. Business leaders and managers have many business strategies to create success in international markets,

Technology which is the inevitable two tendency of the last century becomes a very effective especially in the business arena and reshapes the phenomenon of business competition. Ä°ncreasing the pressure competition day by day when world is shrinking continuously plays a role as the driving force in the Business competition which is the primary purpose of profit maximization of enterprises. A business process is composed of implementing various strategies onthe assetsand liabilities in a common pool.

The process of transformation occurring in business structures is investigated by explaining the changing face of competition in the first part of the study within the framework of globalization and Business growth concept is described in detail that is fundamental dynamics of this transformationto process the business successful. Theoretical information that related to take business mergers and acquisitions are given as Business strategy on the second part.


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